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How to create WordPress Back-to-Top Button custom coding?


New member
I will give you the super easy process to add WordPress Back-to-Top Button. I will do this with simple Html, CSS and Javascript.
So Let's try now,

#Step 1: Go to your footer.php and add the below kinds of HTML coding:
<a href="#" class="btn btn-warning goToUp">o</a>
I am adding here only the button inside a Zero. I am doing this for the very first testing purpose. You can add here font-awesome or box-icon and so on. Here btn and btn-warning are bootstrap classes and goToUp is a targeted class for custom CSS and javascript.

#Step 2: Now add a custom CSS for inside your CSS file:
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 30px;
  right: 30px;
  z-index: 1;
  display: none;

#Step 3: Add a new js file e.g. bottomToTop.js and now add the below coding:
    var offset = 100;
    var speed = 250;
    var duration = 500;
            if ($(this).scrollTop() < offset) {
                      $('.goToUp') .fadeOut(duration);
            } else {
                      $('.goToUp') .fadeIn(duration);
     $('.goToUp').on('click', function(){
            $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, speed);
            return false;

#Step 4: This is the final process. Now include your bottomToTop.js inside functions.php file like below:
      get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/bottomToTop.js',
      array( 'jquery' )

This is the process to add a custom WordPress Back-to-Top Button. Hope you will understand it clearly. If you faced any problem configuring it, Comment here.

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